Different bases of power that a leader could have

 Bases of power 

Power is the capability of impacting the conduct of others. Leaders use the power as a tool to get works done, to accomplish goals. Powers can be obtained by a person’s position in an association, by individual’s admirable personality, qualities, interests, social class, and nationality.

  • The bases of power can be divided into 2 categories such as:

  1. Positional power 
  2. Personal power 

1.Positional power 

Positional power includes the powers a person holds by being in a respectable position in an organization. Positional power includes powers such as:                             

     i. Legitimate power-

Legitimate power is the power obtained by holding a position in an organization, job responsibility. Legitimate power is also known as positional power. 

Example: In a store when a cashier makes a wrong data while serving customers, the mistake can be deleted from the computer system only with a manger or a supervisor’s help, it is not because the cashier is incapable of doing it, but because the cashier does not hold the positional power a supervisor or a manger holds.

          ii. Reward power-

Reward power is the capability of rewarding, providing benefits to a person who has performed well, attained goals in the organizational activities. 

Rewarding power can also be classified as the financial, non-financial methods of motivating workers. 


An employee who works effectively being given a bonus salary is a financial method of encouraging employees using the power.

An employee who performed well, reported to work daily throughout the year being awarded the “employee of the year” award is known as the non-financial method of motivating.

         iii.  Coercive power -

Coercive power is the power of punishing or controlling a subordinate who has not performed as expected

Example: A manger suspending a staff for his misconduct.

2.Personal power

Personal powers are the powers obtained by the power holder’s experience, personal character, and special skills they attained. Expert powers, referent powers are known as personal powers.

       i. Expert power-

Expert power is the power an expert who has great knowledge, is skilled in a particular field holds.

Example: staff who is skilled to fix system issues in a short while is reached whenever there is a problem with the systems at the office.  

     ii. Referent power-

Referent power is power obtained by the behaviors, admirable characteristics of an individual.  

Example: people getting vaccinated against COVID-19 after watching, getting to know that a famous personality has got their vaccine.

Personal effort, network of relationships, information power is known as the additional bases of power. 

Personal effort is the power that a person obtains by working beyond the limits, working to effectively achieve the organizational goals, network of relationship power is the power which a worker would get by building healthy relationships within, and outside the organization. Information power is the capability of gathering information, knowing when and how to share them as information is a production factor, a person having access to the information is considered powerful.



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