Charismatic leadership in a business - A contemporary theory of leadership

 Charismatic leadership

Charismatic leadership is one of the contemporary theories of leadership. It is the kind of leadership which bring high level of commitment, responsibility in the subordinates. Charismatic leadership is the process of creating positive impact on the employees through energetic, self-assured leadership.

A charismatic leader is a self-motivated highly skilled personality who has the capability of influencing the behavior of the subordinates in a way the employees feel the responsibility, work willingly to achieve the targets assigned by the leader of a group, division, or association.

Charisma, charismatic leadership are some of the familiar concepts of studies in the recent times. Charisma is the power a leader should have in order to attract, influence others. A charismatic leader should be self-controlled, motivated, should have strong communication skills, should be sensitive towards the feelings of employees to understand their concerns. A charismatic leader converts personal goals to a collective goal which achieves the organizational goal.

Charismatic leadership theories are different from traditional leadership theories. Traditional leadership theories do not say about having any bonds other than the professional relationship between leaders and subordinates. A charismatic leader is different from a traditional leader as he holds various skills, and abilities to motivate and influence workers to focus on the organizational goals with willingness. 

After many researches on qualities of a charismatic leader, the most extensive examination found that a charismatic leader should have 5 such qualities: A vision, the capability of attaining the vison, responsiveness towards environmental, employee related issues, and situations that are out of control.

A charismatic leader is gifted in the craft of visionary leadership. Even though vision is frequently connected with charismatic leadership, visionary leadership is the process of working in the present, for attaining realistic, and achievable long-term goals.

Visionary leaders maintain a very strong relationship with their employees, helps subordinates achieve more than what they think they could, and helps them to think positively even in disappointing, obstructing situations. 

It is essential that a charismatic leader understands the characteristics of visionary leadership to make an impact on followers’ behavior, to ultimately result in achieving the vision of the organization. 


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