Basic elements that you should consider including in a resume

Basic elements to be included in a resume

A resume is a formal document that describes an applicant. The basic information about the applicant, the goals and objectives of the applicant, educational qualification, work experience, achievement, skills, and abilities of the applicant, extra-curricular activities, and referees are a few common factors that you should be including in your resume.


The personal profile of the applicant- 

This element should include the name, age, date of birth, contact details of the applicant (telephone number, residential address, email address), nationality, school, and university where the education is completed. You could also include an image of yourself (optional)


The goals and objectives of the applicant – 

The goal and objective of the applicant should be written in brief to give the employer a clear understanding of what the employee is willing to succeed with the job.


Educational Qualification-

This should include your major educational qualification in an ordered manner.




This section should include the academic achievement that you have achieved in school, and college and the achievements that you have related to your career. We must include achievements that portray us as a perfect fit for the job.  


Extra-curricular activities- 

It could include extra activities that you do other than your academics. Sports, clubs, and unions that you are a part of should be included under it.



This section should include details of people who could give a proper opinion of your professional relationship with you. Note that you should not be including a family member as your reference. The name, professional role, email address, and contact numbers of the referee should be included.

But providing referees upon request is the best way to follow while writing a resume as you could provide the details of the referee only if needed by the employer. This also has the advantage of minimizing the resume space, and you will also be able to provide the referee according to the specifications of the job.

You could also include Hobbies, skills, and abilities that portray you as a good fit for a job. Computer literacy, time management, leadership, communication, problem-solving, team working skills are some of the skills and abilities that you could include. 

Including the languages that you know and the level of competency in each language will also be an advantage if you are familiar with many languages. 



There are a few tips that you should follow while creating your resume

  •  The resume should be able to update easily- the resume is a document that you will have to be updated regularly according to the advancement in your career so, this document should be able to make changes easily.


  • The document should look formal with the text, and readable by everyone (consider using Arial or Times New Roman which are common fonts that are used on resumes).


  • The color that you select should look formal and it should be clear for a black and white print (using light colors on your resume can make the resume look more formal)

  • It should have accessibility through mobile phones.

  • every detail should be written clearly, and shortly.


  • If you have various qualifications, and achievements then the qualifications that are more relevant to the job should be included first.


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