
Basic elements that you should consider including in a resume

Basic elements to be included in a resume A resume is a formal document that describes an applicant. The basic information about the applicant, the goals and objectives of the applicant, educational qualification, work experience, achievement, skills, and abilities of the applicant, extra-curricular activities, and referees are a few common factors that you should be including in your resume.   The personal profile of the applicant-  This element should include the name, age, date of birth, contact details of the applicant (telephone number, residential address, email address), nationality, school, and university where the education is completed. You could also include an image of yourself (optional)   The goals and objectives of the applicant –  The goal and objective of the applicant should be written in brief to give the employer a clear understanding of what the employee is willing to succeed with the job.   Educational Qualification- This should include your major ed

Key factors that students should consider while choosing a part-time job in 2022

Factors a student should consider while finding a part-time job in 2022 A student might consider working part-time for many reasons. It could be for gaining work experience, or for earning some extra money but there are a few factors that every student should always consider while choosing a part-time job.     1.   The job should be connected to your education-   The part-time job should be related to your field of education so that it will give you an experience that will help you in getting a better understanding of your studies, and makes it much easier for you to pursue your career as a part-time job that is related to your education increases your years of experience in the field, and this could also be an advantage in finding a full-time job after your studies.     2.   The job should fix your schedule-   A part-time job that clashes with your lectures/lesson schedule will not let you focus on your studies. Even if you will be paid for the hours of work you do, you

Traditional organization vs Contemporary organization: The difference between two organizational designs

 The difference between traditional organizations and contemporary organizations The organizational structure should help the staffs work efficiently, effectively, should build formal relationship between employees, should be useful to divide tasks between employees, to group them according to the tasks assigned . A manager making changes in the structure, developing the structure is the process of organizational designing. Traditional organizational designs, contemporary organizational designs are the two common organizational designing.  A manager selects the structure that best suits the organization considering the six key factors: Work specialization Departmentalization  Chain of command Span of control Centralization  Formation . Traditional organizational designs Traditional organizations and contemporary organizations can be differentiated by the factors of focus, flexibility, the style in which tasks are completed, authority of decision making, and by the kind of relationshi

Different bases of power that a leader could have

  Bases of power  Power is the capability of impacting the conduct of others . Leaders use the power as a tool to get works done, to accomplish goals . Powers can be obtained by a person’s position in an association, by individual’s admirable personality, qualities, interests, social class, and nationality . The bases of power can be divided into 2 categories such as: Positional power  Personal power   1.Positional power  Positional power includes the powers a person holds by being in a respectable position in an organization . P ositional power includes powers such as:                                                                  i.  Legitimate power- Legitimate power is the power obtained by holding a position in an organization, job responsibility. Legitimate power is also known as positional power.   Example: In a store when a cashier makes a wrong data while serving customers, the mistake can be deleted from the computer system only with a manger or a supervisor’s help, it is

What is bounded rationality?

  Bounded rationality Making rational decisions is the process of choosing the best alternative that gives the maximum value. A rational decision maker would understand all the alternatives available, the steps that should be followed to attain the goal.  Bounded rationality is the decision-making approach which says that individuals have limited cognitive ability, resource, and time to make a restricted amount of information on which they try to make rational choices in a complexed organizational environment . Bounded rationality is one of the tools which Herbert A. Simon used to explain the administrative model of decision making. This model portrays how managers face complexed, non-programmed situations by making spontaneous decisions, it also helps to understand human and natural limits on rational decisions of a manager. Bounded rationality is explained as the logical way of describing how rational decisions are made by managers as rational decisions are made with less than com

Charismatic leadership in a business - A contemporary theory of leadership

 Charismatic leadership Charismatic leadership is one of the contemporary theories of leadership . It is the kind of leadership which bring high level of commitment, responsibility in the subordinates.  Charismatic leadership is the process of creating positive impact on the employees through energetic, self-assured leadership . A charismatic leader is a self-motivated highly skilled personality who has the capability of influencing the behavior of the subordinates in a way the employees feel the responsibility, work willingly to achieve the targets assigned by the leader of a group, division, or association . Charisma, charismatic leadership are some of the familiar concepts of studies in the recent times. Charisma is the power a leader should have in order to attract, influence others. A charismatic leader should be self-controlled, motivated, should have strong communication skills, should be sensitive towards the feelings of employees to understand their concerns . A charismat

Various types of decisions that a manager should take

  Types of decision Decision is selecting the best alternative between at least two accessible other options. Decision making is the process of understanding various available options, ways to solve a particular issue and choosing the most suitable alternative among the other options . A manager holds the power, responsibility to make decisions, to convey them to the subordinates. A decision of a manager requires high implementation cost, it can influence the whole organization, can have a long-term impact on the organization, or a decision of a manager can be influencing only a few individuals of the organization, require small amount of money to implement, can have a short-term impact on the association .      A management decision can be classified into 2 types such as: 1. programmed decision 2. non- programmed decision  1. programmed decision Programmed decisions are made for cyclical natured problems which are structured. These decisions are made by low level managers. A standa

Barriers to effective communication in a business environmnet

  Barriers to effective communication Communication is a process of transmitting, and understanding of information. A communication can be effective only when the receiver understands the exact information that the sender is willing to convey.  An effective communication should increase commitment in managers, and employees, should reduce misunderstanding in the organizational structure, should help them achieve the organizational goals efficiently.  There could be various barriers that obstruct an effective communication. A barrier can arise in any element of the communicational process, they provide the organization an opportunity to become more effective with the communicational process.  Information being filtered, the receiver being emotionally unstable while receiving the information, excessive information, defensiveness, language, and cultural barricades in the working environment, lack of feedbacks from the receiver, physical disabilities, lack of technological knowledge are